Hedgerow Planting

The Challows and Childrey Hedgerow Group will be planting 300-500m of new hedge along the eastern edge of Silver Lane (Whitelands Rd), West Challow this coming winter.

We have the approval of the adjacent landowner and the blessing of Oxfordshire County Council and are now looking for volunteers to help with planting in two sessions in November and January. Specific dates will be announced nearer the time and training will be given. We do hope that you will be able to join us. Please contact us if you are interested.

Hedgerows are tremendously valuable as links in the landscape connecting areas of wildlife habitat. As well as providing refuges for a great range of species they have an important role in counteracting the effects of the climate emergency by locking up carbon dioxide in their leaves and roots. With your help we can begin to enhance the natural environment of our three parishes and we hope you will join us.


Paul Barrow Paul.Barrow@whitehorsedc.gov.uk     07557 953862

Alastair Barclay ABarclay589@gmail.com  07762 925990

Kathy Warden kwarden.east717@gmail.com   07379 342608